Here’s how it works:
- 1 Opt in and play eligible Live Casino games during a promotional period.
- 2 Get a ticket to the next prize draw for every $20 staked.
- 3 There is $100,000 to be won in total across the cash prize draws.
The prize draws will take place on 26th December and 4th January. Prizes are detailed in the below table.
Prize Draw Table | |
Number of Cash Prizes | Cash Prize Amount |
1 | $5,000 |
2 | $3,000 |
3 | $2,000 |
7 | $1,000 |
15 | $500 |
35 | $200 |
67 | $100 |
120 | $40 |
Total: 250 Prizes | Total: $50,000 |
Significant Offer Terms and Conditions
- Promotional periods run on the following dates:
00:00 GMT on 16th December 2022 until 23:59 GMT on 25th December 2022.
00:00 GMT on 26th December 2022 until 23:59 GMT on 3rd January 2023. - You must opt in once to be eligible to take part in the prize draws. You must stake a minimum of $20 in cash on any Live Casino game, excluding Live Buffalo Blitz and Live Hi-Lo, to earn one ticket to the next prize draw. Only stakes made via Casino and Live Casino contribute; all other stakes, including those made on Live Casino games launched via Sports, Games or the Poker client do not contribute. You will then earn one additional ticket for every further $20 staked on eligible Live Casino games, up to a maximum of 500 tickets per promotional period.
- You can win a maximum of one cash prize in each prize draw. Any prizes not won in the prize draws will be reallocated among qualifying players.
- Prize winners will be credited within 72 hours of the end of the corresponding promotional period. All prizes will be credited as cash and you will have seven days to accept. To accept your cash prize, you must log in to your Live Casino account, open a game and click Accept.
- This offer is only available to new and eligible customers.
Full Offer Terms and Conditions
- Promotional periods run on the following dates:
00:00 GMT on 16th December 2022 until 23:59 GMT on 25th December 2022.
00:00 GMT on 26th December 2022 until 23:59 GMT on 3rd January 2023. - You must opt in once to be eligible to take part in the prize draws. You must stake a minimum of $20 in cash on any Live Casino game, excluding Live Buffalo Blitz and Live Hi-Lo, to earn one ticket to the next prize draw. Only stakes made via Casino and Live Casino contribute; all other stakes, including those made on Live Casino games launched via Sports, Games or the Poker client do not contribute. You will then earn one additional ticket for every further $20 staked on eligible Live Casino games, up to a maximum of 500 tickets per promotional period.
- If you opt in prior to 23:59 GMT on the final day of a promotional period, all play during that promotional period will qualify.
- Bets on Roulette covering 67% or more of all betting positions, and bets on Baccarat on both Player and Banker, will not contribute towards earning tickets.
- You can win a maximum of one cash prize in each prize draw. Any prizes not won in the prize draws will be reallocated among qualifying players.
- There is a total of $100,000 in cash available, with a maximum prize of $5,000 in each prize draw. For a full breakdown of prizes available, see the prize draw table above.
- This offer is only available to new and eligible customers. You can see a full list of your available offers by logging in and selecting the Offers section. bet365 maintains a record of customer contact in relation to eligibility for offers and this record, including the date and time of any restrictions being imposed, will be final in the event of any dispute.
- Prize winners will be credited within 72 hours of the end of the corresponding promotional period. All prizes will be credited as cash and you will have seven days to accept. To accept your cash prize, you must log in to your Live Casino account, open a game and click Accept.
- Not all games are guaranteed to be available during the promotional period and might only be visible to customers who are logged in and verified.
General Information
- Cualquier premio/bonificación o cantidades de apuesta ofrecidos serán calculados mediante la tabla de multiplicador de divisas de bet365 que se aplique en ese momento. Puede ver los multiplicadores de divisa de bet365 aquí.
- Cuando no se cumpla algún término de la oferta o haya pruebas de que un mismo individuo o grupo de individuos ha realizado una serie de apuestas aprovechándose de una bonificación de ingreso, pagos mejorados o cualquier otra promoción que garanticen las ganancias independientemente del resultado, tanto si es de manera individual o como parte de un grupo, bet365 puede reclamar la cantidad de la bonificación o pago mejorado de tal oferta, anular cualquier apuesta realizada con fondos de la oferta y/o eliminar cualquier ganancia conseguida con la misma. Asimismo, en caso de que haya pruebas de dicha actividad, bet365 podrá cobrar una cantidad que cubra posibles gastos administrativos (esta podrá ser del mismo valor que la bonificación o el pago mejorado) al identificar dicha actividad y emprender acciones contra la misma.
- Para intentar combatir actividades fraudulentas, bet365 ha introducido métodos para detectar y prevenir el mal uso de esta oferta. bet365 puede pedir a cualquier cliente que facilite los documentos y/o pasos de verificación necesarios para que, de forma razonable, la identidad del cliente quede satisfactoriamente verificada antes de abonar cualquier oferta, fondos de bonificación y/o ganancias a su cuenta.
- bet365 puede reclamar la cantidad de cualquier bono que se haya otorgado por error.
- Todas las ofertas para clientes se limitan a una por persona. En caso de tener indicios razonables de que la bonificación u oferta está siendo solicitada por o en beneficio de la misma persona más de una vez, o por un grupo de personas, bet365 podría retirar la disponibilidad de cualquier o todas las ofertas a dicho cliente o grupo de clientes y/o anular cualquier apuesta hecha con fondos de la bonificación y eliminar las ganancias asociadas a esta.
- bet365 puede, en cualquier momento, realizar cambios menores a esta promoción para corregir errores tipográficos o para mejorar la claridad o la experiencia de los clientes, y puede cancelar o restringir esta promoción por razones legales, normativas o técnicas.
- Esta promoción no es válida para empleados, directivos y consejeros de bet365, sus agencias de promoción u otras, proveedores de licencia y/o licenciatarios, proveedores de servicio y cualquier otra compañía asociada o afiliada. Los mismos términos son aplicables a familiares directos de tales personas.